The British press has kept up the tradition of completely omitting their partisan veil this year with election day splashes that read more like propaganda than news coverage. In tradition with the past The Sun attacked Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with the front page headline "Don't Chuck Britain in the Cor-Bin". it echoed their archaic coverage of the 1992 election when they featured the face of then-Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock in the shape of a light bulb with the strapline "If...
Four of the political parties may have a hand in shaping an entirely new immigration system on Friday. So what do they promise? More importantly, how realistic are these pledges? Immigration Solicitor Vanessa Ganguin examines how credible these political promises are. With all kinds of accusations flying around, bold promises, u-turns, and none of the parties particularly trusted on this question in opinion polls, immigration as usual is a thorny election issue. This year it’s especially contentious with the countdown to Brexit and...
A terrorist map is doing the rounds on social media claiming that the reason Poland hasn't suffered terrorist attacks is because of its strict anti-Muslim immigration policy - but it's completely inaccurate. The map was released amid claims by Polish minister, Ryszard Czarnecki that the only way to protect Poland from terrorist attacks is by not allowing Muslim migrants into the country. His words reflected a tough stance on Muslim immigration been peddled by Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło in the...
This interactive map below features the climate, fracking and environmental issues in your constituency with a breakdown below of where candidates stand on these issues. With the general election upon us, these are the constituencies where candidates’ positions on fracking, energy, air pollution, airport expansion and climate change issues could be decisive if you are looking for an MP who shares your concerns. Research by Mat Hope ,Deputy Editor of Desmog UK. (View the full interactive map on Google Maps (please note: the link may not...
A woman's powerful account of her personal experience of the NHS has been shared by thousands in the run up to the general election. The Facebook post has been shared almost 40 thousand times. As election day approaches, take a read and see if this will change the way you plan to vote and who could save our NHS. Rebekah Hodgson, a seven-month pregnant teacher, took to social media after watching Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour leader Jeremy...
If you’re looking for a Forex broker you might as well go all the way and make sure that it’s the right one for you. There are certain tells that will allow you to quickly identify whether or not a Forex broker is the right one for you or not. Certain qualities cannot go missing when it comes to this type of provider, and therefore researching whether or not the one that you have your eyes on possesses them is...
Theresa May is at risk of falling in to the "Hillary Trap" whereby people are happy to vote for the party but not for its leader. On the dawn of the election new research has revealed May has run a disastrous campaign, with two times as many Brits saying Jeremy Corbyn has done a better job than his Conservative counterpart. The OnePoll research revealed 39 per cent of Brits think the Labour leader has run a better bid for number 10, compared...
The Conservative operation is increasingly paralysed by panic, according to political commentator Owen Jones. According to three journalist sources from right-wing papers the Tory camp is fear stricken in the run-up to the election as Jeremy Corbyn closes the gap. Thousands of people turned up to see the Labour leader speak last night on the banks of the River Tyne while Theresa May struggled to fill a medium-sized room on her campaign trail. And the polls are increasingly pointing to a...
The UK has haemorrhaged more than 600,000 manufacturing jobs in the past decade, a new study by GMB has shown. The figures, which are being discussed at GMB’s annual Congress in Plymouth today, show that 619,000 jobs in the sector disappeared from 2006 to 2016, a massive fall of 17 per cent. Between them the lost jobs have meant that £11.3 billion less has been paid in manufacturing wages in real-terms. In 2006 the UK supported 3.5 million permanent and temporary... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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