
The latest local and national UK and International news.

IT engineer to attempt to swim from Hudson River to the Thames

IT engineer and extreme swimmer Michael Ventre is hoping to swim 3,800 miles from New York to London alongside a support vessel – a feat which has never been attempted before, which aims to raise money for Oxfam. Michael, who successfully swam the English Channel in 2011, plans to make his world-first attempt at swimming the Atlantic in April this year. The unprecedented open water challenge will take him between four and seven months and will present an incredible test...

Bird flu is back: We need solutions, not scapegoats

By Philip Lymbery, CEO of Compassion in World Farming Bird flu is back. All farmers and keepers of poultry have been ordered by Defra to keep their birds indoors, separate and ‘safe’ from contact with wild birds. Just this week, a flock of 8,000 turkeys in Lincolnshire was diagnosed with the virus. Some have died and the rest are due to be culled. If bringing the birds indoors to ‘protect’ them from wild birds is the solution to preventing the...

“Tax Credits” Tory voter who cried on Question Time is now senior Momentum member

Struggling mum Michelle Dorrell became famous overnight after she cried about Tax Credits cuts on BBC’s Question Time, after feeling cheated after voting for the Tories. Now she has now been elected to chairwoman of Momentum in South East Kent. It is a huge shift in only 15 months since her TV appearance and her admission that she voted Conservative hoping they would help her family, but instead left her on the breadline. The planned cuts to tax credits would...

Hate crime rise predicted when Article 50 is eventually triggered

After the vote to leave the EU there was a recorded rise in hate crimes, which culminated in the murder of a Polish man in Harlow, Essex. It is now feared that there will be another spike in similar attacks when Theresa May triggers Article 50 and beings the two-year process to leave the EU. The warning has come from the equality and human rights commission. Their chairman, David Isaac, told the Commons Women and Equalities committee he is “hugely...

Goldman Sachs set to move 1,000 jobs to Frankfurt

Goldman Sachs is reportedly considering moving 1,000 jobs to Frankfurt after Brexit. German newspaper Handelsblatt reported that the US banking giant will ship 1,000 jobs to Frankfurt while effectively halving the rest of its UK workforce, moving key operations to New York and Europe. The news comes following Theresa May's tough stance on the exit negotiations, which has already prompted HSBC to move 1,000 jobs to Paris once Britain has formally left the EU. Among roles earmarked for a move...

PMQs 18th Jan – So long and thanks for all the fish & bargaining chips

When the dolphins departed Planet Earth just before it was demolished in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, that was it. No tearful goodbyes and they wouldn’t be keeping in touch, partly as we were about to be destroyed. Theresa May seemed to have the same approach yesterday when she announced even though we were leaving the single market and customs union, don’t panic. It wrong-footed a number of members of the house, and the light seemed to have gone out a...

HSBC set to move 1,000 jobs to Paris

HSBC could move up to 1,000 jobs from London to Paris after an announcement that it is to relocate staff responsible for generating around a fifth of its UK-based trading revenue after Britain leaves the EU. The bank's Chief Executive Stuart Gulliver told Reuters that the firm will move staff in about two years when Brexit "becomes effective" in a potentially damaging first blow to London's status as Europe's main financial center. Major financial firms warned for months before Britain's referendum on European...

Demand for UK Govt to shut down domestic ivory market passes 100,000 signatures

International wildlife charity, Born Free Foundation, is calling on the UK Government to deliver on its Manifesto commitment to a “total ban on ivory sales” after an e-petition calling for the UK domestic ivory market to be shut down passed the 100,000 threshold needed to trigger a debate in Parliament. The e-petition urges the Government to “shut down the domestic ivory market in the UK” because “30,000 African elephants are slaughtered a year for their tusks yet the Government has...

In Pictures: Molten lava spews from collapsed volcano into the sea

This is the spectacular moment tonnes of molten lava spew from a collapsed volcano into the sea - just yards from a boat full of tourists. Onlookers braved the choppy seas and deadly eruptions taking place at the Kamokuna lava delta in Hawaii since it collapsed on December 31. They were stunned when a red hot stream of 1000c lava suddenly crashed through the side of the black rock - causing an incredible hose pipe effect. Breath-taking footage shows the...

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