
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Supermodel Joanna Krupa in tiger stripes for PETA to push for ban on wild animals in circuses 

Supermodel Joanna Krupa was painted in tiger stripes by the animal charity PETA outside Westminster, Central London, in order to put pressure on wild animals being used in travelling circuses Supermodel Joanna Krupa was painted in tiger stripes by the animal charity PETA outside Westminster, Central London, in order to put pressure on wild animals being used in travelling circuses. Supermodel Joanna Krupa was painted in tiger stripes by the animal charity PETA outside Westminster, Central London, in order to...

This tweet sums up Rees-Mogg’s religious hypocrisy perfectly

Jacob Rees-Mogg has come under fire after speaking out about his Christian faith and its teaching on abortion and same-sex relationships, but views could be as hypocritical as they are outdated. Despite some commentators coming out in support of the Conservative MP for sticking by his beliefs, others have been quick to point out how sanctimonious they really are. One such comment which has started to go viral on Twitter questions whether he really is a staunch believer given that...

1,200-year-old Anglo-Saxon carving of face uncovered by workmen in church renovation project

An Anglo-Saxon carving of a face has caused a STARE after it was uncovered by workmen during a church renovation project - 1,200 YEARS later. The image discovered at Worksop Priory dates back as far as 980 AD as experts confirmed the find which was discovered during the installation of a new heating system. The heat helped dry out the church's walls so that peeling plaster could be removed. Priory Church carved face found after the removal of plaster work....

Practice of torture “habitual, widespread and deliberate” in Egypt

A four-year enquiry has revealed that the practice of torture “habitual, widespread and deliberate” in Egypt. The conclusions were presented by members of the Committee Against Torture (CAT) after an investigation, triggered by Alkarama, unearthed a wide range of cases of violations in the North African nation. The inquiries are to be kept confidential until the committee releases its concluding report on June 23, 2017, but an initial report has been made public by Alkarama which is also publishing the voluminous documentation submitted to...

Price paid for electricity from offshore wind farms drops 50% in 5 years

Government figures to be published today are expected to show that the price paid for electricity from offshore wind farms has dropped by more than 50 per cent in under five years - making offshore wind the lowest cost option for large-scale, low-carbon power. The UK’s offshore wind sector has transformed over the last decade. Government support, huge strides in home-grown innovation and increases in both turbine efficiency and blade sizes, have placed the UK as number one, globally, for...

MEPs hear how cross border spycops can “move into your home, your family”

To bug your phone the state at the very least needs the permission of a judge or Home Secretary. But as the bereaved family of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence found out, to send an undercover police officer to spy on you and your family, all that is needed is the permission of the police chief handling them. This week campaigners whose lives have been affected by “spycops” addressed the European Parliament as it is not only this nation’s undercover...

Huge leatherback turtle washes up in Cornish harbour

One of the world's largest leatherback turtle's has been found dead in a Cornish harbour. The animal, whose species is 'critically endangered', was found on Friiday (8/9) in Portreath by amateur photographer Bob Philips, 73. The turtle washed up in Portreath, Cornwall. It is around six feet long and weighs around 200kg (31 stone). Retired taxi driver Bob said: "I'm amazed at how big it is and decided to take a photograph of a man who was stood close by...

In Pics – We will never be defeated…One love at Manchester Arena

Members of the public arrive in high spirits wearing One Love Manchester T-shirts. There is tight security with police and searches outside Manchester Arena ahead of tonights benefit gig, the first show since the Manchester Bombing. Members of the public arrive in high spirits wearing One Love Manchester T-shirts. There is tight security with police and searches outside Manchester Arena ahead of tonights benefit gig, the first show since the Manchester Bombing. Women with tickets take selfies infant of security...

Another Tory U-turn wastes millions in a “misguided” bid to privatise crucial NHS resources 

NHS Professionals is an NHS-owned solution to combating NHS staff shortages, supplying temporary staff to over 65 NHS Trusts across England. It plugs professional gaps while allowing 90,000 staff such as doctors, midwives, healthcare scientists, nurses to work flexible hours that suits them. And it works so well it even saves the NHS £70 million a year. And yet, Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt, in his rush to privatise every potentially profit-making part of the NHS decided to...

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