
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Why have payday loan complaints tripled?

Today the Financial Ombudsman released its annual report unveiling a significant rise in the number of complaints about payday lenders. According to Chief Ombudsman, Caroline Wayman, "the most striking story has been the rise in contact we’ve had from people having trouble with credit. We’ve seen around three times last year’s volumes of complaints about payday loans". But aren’t things supposed to have improved a lot recently? The regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) made Wonga write off many loans in...

Private schools to save over £500m in tax due to charitable status

Like most people I went to a bog standard Comprehensive school; the teachers did their best with the range of children from a variety of backgrounds, and limited budgets. So news that private schools will receive more than £500m in tax rebates over the next five years, will anger many people who couldn’t afford to attend, or send their children, to fee paying schools. A tiny percentage of the UK are able to access these elite schools and the social...

Watch: Jeremy Hunt’s name rudely mispronounced TWICE in one day on news

  As it emerged that Prime Minister Theresa May was keeping Jeremy Hunt as Health Secretary in her post-election cabinet reshuffle his name was unfortunately mispronounced TWICE in one day by TV reporters. The unpopular Health Secretary who has presided over cuts and closures in around 40% of mental health trusts was subjected to the same "Freudian slip" twice, as on live TV the letter ‘C’ was added to his surname, once on the BBC:   and again live on...

Watch – Jeremy Corbyn is ”ready to win” an election if another one is called

Yesterday a relaxed looking Jeremy Corbyn went on the Andrew Marr show to tell the nation he is ready to take on the Tories, if another election is called, and to win. He told Andrew Marr it is ‘quite possible’ that there will be another vote either this year or in 2018. Corbyn said he is also going to create his own Queen's Speech, based on the Labour manifesto, to be considered by parliament. As the Conservative Party appear to...

Number of EU nurses registering to practice in UK down 96% since Brexit

The vote to leave the EU has led to a "crash" in the number of European nurses registering to work in the UK. According to figures obtained by the Health Service Journal the NHS could be about to face its worst nursing workforce crisis for 20 years. Data shows the number of EU nurses registering with the NMC to work in the UK peaked at 1,304 in July 2016, a month after the referendum. However it has since dropped significantly, with...

‘Calm down’: Boris WhatsApp plea in full to his party to support PM May

Boris Johnson urged Tory MPs to unite behind Theresa May and mocked Jeremy Corbyn. The Foreign Secretary posted his rallying cry to a WhatsApp conversation which was promptly leaked to the media. Many would say the Tories are in free fall and PM May's days are numbered, and a minority deal with the DUP still hasn't been finalised. Jeremy Corbyn is hopefully Labour may even be able to form a government, if the Conservatives fail to bring the DUP on board....

In Pictures: EDL & anti-fascist protesters clash in Manchester

People were urged to stay away from Piccadilly Gardens after a protest involving the EDL and rival anti-fascist groups turned violent today. GMP issued a statement on Twitter on Sunday, which read: “There is a demonstration taking place in Piccadilly Gardens this afternoon, please avoid the area if possible until protesters have finished.” The EDL protest was led by controversial figure Tommy Robinson. GMP members said it had “turned nasty” and were struggling to keep the two groups from clashing...

Labour close to a MILLION members following election success

The Labour party has garnered almost a million members following its General Election success. Jeremy Corbyn's party has picked up a further 150,000 members since Thursday bringing total membership numbers to 800,000. The Conservative Party membership figures were just under 150,000 in December 2016. Speaking on the Andrew Marr show this morning Mr Corbyn said the election signified a rejection of the “politics of fear” and said "we are ready any time” to govern. “We have a chaotic situation with a government...

These are the constituencies where the bookmakers got it drastically wrong

The Labour Party has defied odds of 66/1 to win Kensington. The seat was the last to declare and went to Labour by just 25 votes after the count was paused because of teller fatigue. Historically Kensington is a Conservative stronghold, highlighted by Lady Victoria Borwick winning over 52 per cent of the vote back in 2015. It was also  Michael Portillo's seat when he won the 1999 by-election, and is also the constituency in which The Daily Mail is based. People...

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