Britain's banks are on notice to treat people claiming refunds or compensation for payment protection insurance (PPI) to act fairly or face punitive measures, including against their directors. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) watchdog told banks and other financial institutions that it is paying close attention to the way they deal with PPI claims, as it works to ensure a two-year deadline for an end to PPI claims is strictly adhered to. It warned it will not stand idly by...
Donald Trump has claimed once again that the United States is the "highest taxed country in the world" in a speech aimed at pushing through massive tax cuts. The President said "we’re the highest taxed country in the world, and yet we may get no Democrat support," in a speech this week. The claim has been proven false by several independent analyses on numerous occasions. Even when state tax, federal tax, municipal tax, fees and fines are accounted for the US is...
A new species of bird that lived in Germany almost 50 million years ago has been discovered - complete with the waxy oils it used to colour its feathers. The fossil was so extraordinarily well-preserved its preen gland - found in the tail of our modern feathered friends - was still intact. Most birds use their heads to rub protective oils from this gland over their feathers, legs and feet. Flamingos in the wild even use pigments from these fatty...
Hillary Clinton in the UK on a tour to promote her autobiography What Happened, today revealed that she will not be running for President against Donald Trump in 2020. “No, I won’t run again,” the former Democrat candidate told BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour. Clinton vowed to “continue to speak out” against Donald Trump, adding she would still be “raising money and support for candidates and causes that I believe in… and I will be supporting the Democratic Party in the...
Economic experts have today suggested the UK should reverse Brexit in order to avoid the severe consequences of a messy breakup. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a report that puts forward the case for a dramatic rethink on the agenda. Its findings have already been hailed as the “final nail in the coffin for the already long-buried notion that Brexit will benefit our economy”. But even with EU negotiations stalled there are growing signs that the UK economy...
Public sector workers are being forced to go to food banks to eat - that is an absolute disgrace and it must stop An uprising of ‘Maybots’ will descend on Parliament Square today as part of a mass rally against the public sector pay cap. The sinister Prime Ministerial mechanoids will be seen holding up a giant arm pinching money from the pockets of public sector workers. credit: © Jess Hurd/GMB GMB research shows the average public sector workers has...
New statistics have indicated that the number of hate crimes in the UK rose substantially since Britain voted for Brexit, and began the, probably long and drawn out process, of leaving the European project Home Office statistics show a 29% increase in recorded hate crimes in 2016/17. Hate crimes include any crime motivated by race, religion, sexuality, disability, or transgender, rose more than 80,000, almost twice the level recorded only four years ago. Polish man, Arkadiusz Jozwik, died after he...
An aristocratic landowner and friend of the royals refused a £2 million offer for a field to be turned into affordable homes – because they would ruin his VIEW. David Smith-Ryland, whose family have played host to royals at their country home, were approached by developer Rosconn over plans to build 50 houses. The 56-year-old claims a figure of around £2 million was suggested for the five-and-a-half acre field on his estate near Stratford-upon-Avon, Warks. David Smith-Ryland's land, which is...
Inflation has hit the lowest income families hardest since recession because they spend the most proportionally of any income group on utilities, which have shot up in price over the decade. Lower income families are also likely to have been hardest by inflation since Brexit, due to the rise in the price of food and non-food essential items, which they spend disproportionately more on. While many ‘big ticket’ items have actually fallen in price over the last 20 years: cars are 12... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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