
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Humans created cave paintings in Caribbean thousands of years before arrival of Christopher Columbus

Humans were creating astonishing cave paintings in the Caribbean thousands of years before the arrival of Christopher Columbus, reveals new research. The study sheds new light on etchings found on the walls of dozens of cave systems on Mona Island, off modern day Puerto Rico. It is the Caribbean region’s largest concentration of indigenous pre-Columbian rock art. Some of the paintings are in very narrow spaces deep in the caves - only accessible by crawling. Humans were creating astonishing cave...

The first ever recorded eclipse in Bible pinpointed by scientists to today…October 30 1207BC

The first solar eclipse recorded more than 3,000 years ago in the Bible has been pinpointed by British scientists to today, October 30 1207 BC. And the timing could now mean historians can date within 12 months the reign of Egyptian pharaohs, including Ramesses the Great and his son Merneptah. The solar eclipse, mentioned in the Old Testament book of Joshua, tells how Joshua led the people of Israel into Canaan, now modern day Israel and Palestine and has puzzled...

Global warming? Spring daffodils blooming just as winter arrives

A patch of daffodil appear to be in a muddle - after blooming just as winter begins. Susanne Turner, 58, was shocked when the perennials which usually signal the start of the spring decided to come out in a flowerbed beside her house. And despite the bizarre blossoming, the amateur horticulturalist Susanne still has no idea how they flowered in October. Susanne Turner with her daffodils that have flowered in October. The former bank employee said she planted about 30...

Leaked list of Conservative Party sex pest sleaze published, shaming THIRTY SIX current Tory MPs

Conservative Party secretaries, researchers and aides have compiled a list of 36 Tory MPs' inappropriate sexual behaviour and unwanted advances. As senior Conservative figures have been furiously briefing to downplay sexual allegations against Tory MPs, furious Westminster workers have been compiling proof that 11% of all the party's MPs have been abusing their positions to harass female and male employees. Female Westminster workers have been circulating a dirty dossier which now comprises inappropriate behaviour by 36 sitting Tory MPs including...

When is the right time to start saving for retirement?

At a young age it is often hard to save as you need to consider a number of things such as your rent, food, a night out with friends and unexpected expenses, let alone additional funds that you can’t touch for another 40 or so years. So when should really start saving for your retirement? Well, most money experts say that you should start putting money aside for this as soon as you begin earning, so around your 20s. You...

Jeremy Hunt to save the NHS from mistakes made by… Jeremy Hunt

Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt today delivered a car crash interview on the BBC Andrew Marr programme. In the toe-curling interview, Marr pointed out that Hunt was displaying signs of split personality disorder. The third longest serving Secretary of State for Health in the history of the nation began by reeling off empty party-line soundbites when questioned about unsafe NHS hospitals, the loss of 5,000 mental health nurses, the cutting of 7,500 mental health beds, and NHS workers operating to their absolute...

“Is Theresa May part of Westminster sexual harassment cover up?”

Columnist Owen Jones took to Marr show this morning to discuss serious sexual allegation in today's Sunday’s papers. Jones said there are reports of “two senor cabinet Ministers being named by political researchers as serial sex pests. “The PM has been briefed on these allegations. Whips, and this is critical, are treating it as a bit of a laugh. “Yesterday Gove made a crass joke about Harvey Weinstein and sexual abuse and rape of women.” Jones demanded action needs to...

Westminster harassment scandal – Tory Minister made aide buy sex toys

Late last week it was revealed that there was a What's app group used by females in Westminster that list certain men, including senior MPs, who need to be avoided, to reduce the risk of unwanted sexual harassment. The names of these men have not been released by any political party, as yet. However, today the Mail on Sunday reported that Mark Garner, International Trade Minister, admitted referring to his secretary as "sugar tits" and also made her purchase sex...

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