This interactive map below exposes the links between those trying to thwart efforts to tackle global warming. Research by Mat Hope ,Editor of Desmog UK. Donald Trump is nothing if not distracting. And so he promises to be again this week on Tuesday, when world leaders gather in Paris for President Macron’s ‘One Planet’ summit. Timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the Paris Agreement on climate change, it is intended to be an opportunity to celebrate (and work out how...
A formerly homeless man is helping fund the funeral of a homeless woman who died this week in the same doorway her aunt had been found dead in seven years before. Kathleen O’Sullivan, 44, was found dead on Wednesday morning in a doorway outside a homeless shelter in Cork. Reports suggested that she may gave been ill as the night temperatures across Ireland have plunged. Christina Chalmers, founder of volunteers’ group Helping Cork's Homeless has reported that a man who...
Bob Kerslake has quit his senior role in the NHS because he believes the Government is failing to understand the scale of the funding shortfall, which is plunging the health service into disarray. He has resigned as the chair of the board at King’s College hospital in London. He told the Guardian : “My two and half years at King’s have been in equal parts inspiring and frustrating. “There are undoubtedly things that I and the trust could have done...
The Vice-Chancellor of Bath University faced calls to leave her job immediately from 71 professors who cited concerns about the “reputational crisis” surrounding her pay. Professor Dame Glynis Breakwell announced she would leave her £468,000 a year job at the end of the academic year last week, but pressure mounted for her to go sooner. Her immediate resignation was called for along with chief governor Thomas Sheppard, who chairs both the university council and remuneration committee. A letter addressed to...
Max Clifford, who was once known as a goliath in the media world, before he was found guilty of sex crimes, has died in prison. Clifford died of a heart attack in his cell, at Littlehey Prison in Cambridgeshire. He was aged 74. Mr Clifford was serving an eight-year custodial prison term for historical sex offences. In May 2014, Clifford was jailed after being convicted of eight historical indecent assaults on women and young girls under Operation Yewtree - the...
Professor Stephen Hawking has joined a lawsuit aimed at preventing greater privatisation of the National Health Service. The revered professor, who has been vocal about the dismantling of the NHS, added his name to legal action seeking to prevent the establishment of "accountable care organisations" (ACOs) in the NHS, which threaten to ration certain resources within the system. Trade Union BMA has warned the ACOs ‘risk the potential for non-NHS providers taking over the provision of care for entire health economies’. But Health Secretary...
The planet's oceans are choking on plastic. Despite plastic bag usage falling by 85 per cent following the introduction of the 5p charge, leading packaging industry figures oppose a tax on single-use plastic packaging. The final episode of BBC's Blue Planet II aired tonight, highlighting the terrible impact man-made plastic waste is having on the world’s oceans. Meanwhile, food-packaging industry figures are opposing the Government’s suggested ‘single use plastic tax’. The final episode of the BBC’s hit natural history show,...
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to the United Nations officials at Geneva’s Palais de Nations on Friday is well worth a watch. Whatever you think of the Labour leader’s politics, the speech as he received a peace award for his work over many years was thought-provoking on topics from growing inequality and tax avoidance to human rights and climate change. Watch and read the full speech below: "Thank you, and let me give a special thanks to the United Nations...
If you are reading this please take a minute - just one minute - out of your day and watch this video. - Because this is what global warming looks like. I want you to imagine, 200, 300, 400 years from now, human beings, maybe your relatives, starving to death like this due to irreversible climate change. There is no planet B. Photographer Paul Nicklen shot the heart-wrenching footage recorded the scene with conservation group Sea Legacy and posted it on... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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