Ahead of its November reveal, Philip Hammond’s budget was billed as ‘make or break’ in much of the press. In reality, it turned out neither to make nor break the chancellor’s career. Rather, everything seems to be continuing as usual. It’s possible that it will take time for this budget’s implications to become clearer, but what is crystal clear already is the impact on one of the most crucial areas of the public sector—further education. Theresa May herself triumphantly announced...
Four men have been arrested today on suspicion of plotting terror attacks in early morning swoops by terror police. The men, a 22-year-old, a 36-year-old and a 41-year-old all from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, and a 31-year-old from Chesterfield, Derbyshire, were each arrested at their own homes on suspicion of being concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. One of the houses raided was in Shirebrook Road, Sheffield, where locals claim they heard an explosion at around...
The mystery object some experts claimed was an alien craft passing Earth has a greyish/red surface and is the size and shape of London's Gherkin skyscraper, according to latest research. The strange visitor - which has been named 'Oumuamua - the Hawaiian word for “messenger” or “scout” -has triggered worldwide speculation since it passed close to Earth in October after arriving from deep interstellar space. Scientists from Queen's University Belfast led an international team of astronomers - from Britain, the United...
"It is becoming clear that many on the government benches want to use Brexit to rip up standards, rights to work and deregulate the economy." "For many on the benches opposite it is the chance to make Britain a tax haven for the super rich. The choice is clear: a Tory government that will use Brexit to protect the very richest, or a Labour vision that would protect the economy & jobs." Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn responded to Prime...
Labour MP Frank Field told the House of Commons a harrowing story all too typical around the country - everyone should watch this: "We need a root and branch reform of PIP (Personal Independence Payments - the Conservatives replacement of Disability Living Allowance). One of the people who came to 'Feeding Birkenhead' foodbank was doubly incontinent because of cancer. "She got a Nil rating for PIP. "Whilst she needed food, she also needed nappies. "When she didn't turn up after a few days,...
Gig economy workers juggle as many as two or more jobs at the same time, according to new research. One in three hold at least two jobs, while one in 14 hold three or more. And one in ten undertake seasonal work or employment during the holidays. The research also revealed that more women have just one form of gig work than men (55 per cent vs 42 per cent), whereas more men hold three to five gig jobs than...
Today the US President Donald Trump is expected to drop climates change from this list of global threats in his updated National Security Strategy. Obama, as President, had pushed for climate change to be seen as a threat to the nation. The Federalist website quoted the draft document as stating: “US leadership is indispensable to countering an anti-growth energy agenda that is detrimental to US economic and energy security interests. “Much of the developing world will require fossil fuels, as...
Reports of a Tory plot to pull the UK out of the EU Working Time Directive could see 7 million workers in the UK lose rights to paid holidays, GMB has warned today. Brexit hardliners are today expected to demand Theresa May ditches safeguards post-Brexit which were designed by the EU to protect employees from working excessive hours. Michael Gove is among the staunch Brexiters wanting Britain to scrap the working time directive which stops staff in most jobs from working more than...
Last night on Question Time this heated argument erupted between a landlord – buying and doing up council housing and renting it out – and another audience member who accused him of adding to the problem of Margaret Thatcher’s right to buy your council home legacy. – A legacy which is generations homeless and in temporary accommodation waiting for social housing – the vast majority of which is now in the hands of professional private landlords rather than the families...
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