
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Political instability and weak Government ‘could wipe out some bird and animal species’

Political instability could lead to some bird and animal and bird species being wiped out, warns new research. The study of changes in wildlife over three decades found that low levels of effective national governance are the strongest predictor of declining numbers - more so than economic growth, climate change or even surges in human population. The findings, published in the journal Nature, also show that protected conservation areas do maintain wildlife diversity - but only when situated in countries...

Everyone is reminding David Davis of his pledge to resign if Damian Green is sacked

Theresa May's deputy Damian Green has been sacked as First Secretary of State after an investigation found he breached UK ministerial code by lying about the presence of porn on his office computer. Now Brexit Secretary David Davis faces the humiliating prospect of being constantly reminded that he vowed to resign if his cabinet ally was sacked over the investigation into his statements on porn found on his computer and allegations by Tory activist Kate Maltby that he behaved inappropriately towards...

Update: Theresa May’s deputy Damien Green sacked after investigation into porn allegations

Damien Green has resigned as First Secretary of State after an investigation found he breached UK ministerial code. Theresa May's deputy has stepped down before Christmas leaving her already beleaguered cabinet in tatters. The Tory MP had been found to have misled the public over porn found on an office computer Claims emerged recently that police had found "extreme" pornography on his computer when they raided his Parliamentary office. Met police officers say they unveiled the material when Green's office was raided...

This robot Donald Trump is truly scary

Donald Trump has received the ultimate accolade from Disney this week, joining  the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom's Hall of Presidents in Orlando in robot form. The odd-looking President Trump robot makes a speech alongside the United States’ other Presidents. And thankfully there is no mention of “Mexicans", “walls", "fake news” or “grabbing ‘em by the p***y." The Trump robot has been likened to something from a horror movie and even mocked by Orlando’s Tussauds waxworks’ twitter account:

BBC in a holy war of words after head of religious programmes confesses to being an atheist

The BBC was engulfed in a holy war of words today after the head of religious programmes openly confessed to being - an ATHEIST. James Purnell was speaking on the Today programme to promote the corporation's commitment to setting up a new unit devoted to improving religious coverage. But Mr Purnell, who was appointed the BBC's Director of Radio and Education in November last year, stunned the audience when he admitted he was a non-believer. During a bruising interview at...

PMQs “Is the PM aware that there are 1000 fewer GPs today than on the day she took office?” – Corbyn vs May [Full Video]

The final Prime Minister's Questions of 2017 was filled with dire warnings about how 2018 is set to be the most parlous year yet for Britain's National Health Service. The Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn warned the Prime Minister that there are 1,000 fewer GP's than the day she took office. He also highlighted NHS chiefs' warnings that the NHS needs £4bn not to go under, yet her government was prepared to find just £1.8bn. "Who was it who...

How to get a clear idea about the Forex trading industry

Trading is often considered as the most sophisticated business in the whole world. You might all the money in the world but if you trade in the wrong way then you will lose all your trading capital. It’s like running the most complex business in this modern era. But this doesn’t mean that you will have trade the market with a very complex trading system to make money. If you know the right path then even with a simple trading...

The risks, benefits related to CFDs

You are already aware that CFDs are flexible and easy to trade. Due to the flexibility most of the people are interested in trading it but the problem most of the people who are interested in trading are new to the market. As they are new to the market they do not understand the way how the market works. If you consider the traders in the United Kingdom they are experts in trading because they have been learning the market....

A two-year-old boy facing DEPORTATION will be allowed to stay in the country for Christmas

A two-year-old boy facing DEPORTATION will be allowed to stay in the country for Christmas - while the Home Office considers his case. Harrison Bendle, from South Africa, was adopted by parents Alun and Paula in his home country when he was two-months-old. The couple spent seven years living in the country where they adopted two other children - Nathan, seven, and William, six. The Bendles moved back to the UK in 2015 after Alun, 39, received a job offer...

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