A charity has received a generous gift this festive period of £4 million from a mystery donor for the homeless across the West Midlands. The anonymous benefactor has stunned staff at the Heart of England Community Foundation with the Christmas donation. The foundation has said it will use £3 million of it to fund major intiatives to help those sleeping rough and without homes in the New Year. The final £1 million will be invested to guarantee a legacy for...
A politician has apologised after 'liking' pornographic content on Twitter - which he didn't realise other people could see. John Gollop, 54, a deputy for the States of Guernsey, had liked several adult tweets including posts from us pornographic actress Dana DeArmond. In a statement, Gollop said he was "profoundly and deeply sorry" if offence was caused. He has since removed all his likes on the social media platform. The experienced Guernsey politician has more than 4,000 Twitter followers, the...
A UKIP councillor's son claimed he was stabbed in the back at an Essex nightclub but the owners argued he tripped on stairs and injured himself on a banister. Kane Ellis, 24, the son of UKIP councillor Mark Ellis, claimed he remembered feeling a punch in his back but could not remember where in the club he had been. But owner of the Unit 7 in the Basildon's Festival Leisure Park disputes this and said CCTV showed Kane taking a...
When Nigel Farage hasn’t been moping about how sowing division and campaigning for Britain to leave the EU has left him broke, single and without a knighthood, - or claiming credit for the the giant victory of British passports turning blue, the former Ukip leader has been watching the Queen’s Speech this Christmas. And tweeting about it. https://twitter.com/nigel_farage/status/945348579195015168 Which led to these hilarious responses: https://twitter.com/JimMFelton/status/945386186327121921 https://twitter.com/adamgough596/status/945386614880194565 https://twitter.com/quantick/status/945384249091387394 https://twitter.com/Jhiaxus_Prime/status/945458006812250112 https://twitter.com/davidkerr1970/status/945434185552089088 https://twitter.com/govindajeggy/status/945440595182608386 https://twitter.com/quantick/status/945384389155938304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thepoke.co.uk%2F2017%2F12%2F26%2F19-responses-to-nigel-farages-christmas-message-will-ease-hangover%2F https://twitter.com/SimonTwenty4/status/945374625462194178 https://twitter.com/limcoc/status/945377518378418176 https://twitter.com/Pundamentalism/status/945391417656070146?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thepoke.co.uk%2F2017%2F12%2F26%2F19-responses-to-nigel-farages-christmas-message-will-ease-hangover%2F MORE: https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/nigels-soon-extinct-thanks-farage/22/09/
Choose your favourite press photograph from the best 100 taken this year. SWNS is the largest independent press agency in the UK, supplying up to 20 per cent of our daily news content. Each year the SWNS news wire supplies newspapers and magazines around the world with some of the most fascinating, captivating and powerful photographs you could ever hope to see. The agency's picture editors have chosen 100 of the most compelling images released through the news wire this...
Four out of five Brits take an Xmas break from caring about the environment a poll has revealed. OVER eight in ten Brits do not even attempt to justify creating extra waste and additional consumption at Christmas time. Two thirds of us commit unofficial 'eco-crimes' - such as throwing used batteries in the bin and not recycling Christmas cards - even though we know we shouldn’t. A poll of 2,000 adults found the UK throws out over 50 million platefuls...
In an embarrassing defeat for the Government, the High Court this week ruled that part of the rules governing the unpopular Personal Independence Payments (PIP) which replace Disability Allowance are unlawful and discriminate against people with mental health impairments. In February the Government limited the amount of PIP people can claim if they struggle with travel due to psychological distress as they have fewer needs than other disabled people. The High Court found that the DWP’s decision had been based...
London Zoo is on lockdown after a huge blaze ripped through the cafe - next to the beloved meerkats. A team of 70 fire fighters and ten engines spent two hours tackling the blaze after a 999 call was made at 6.08am. The flames were near the children's petting zoo and meerkat enclosure but Zoo officials refused to say if any animals had been hurt. Flashing blue lights of fire trucks could been seen inside the zoo as at least...
UK councils are on a “cliff edge” as vital services face another 54% cut while council tax rises add £100 to our bills from April. This week the Government was slammed for sneakily passing the buck to councils to try to plug the massive gap in the finances needed to provide essential services and urgent need for housing. You may have missed the largely under-reported new Local Government Settlement announced by Local Government Secretary Sajid Javid. But you will likely...
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