A 15-year-old boy is lobbying to have homework scrapped in secondary schools around the country. Lee Sibley, a GCSE pupil at Severn Vale School, Glos, started the Change.org petition urging Prime Minister Theresa May to ban homework in UK secondary schools. It has so far amassed 160 signatures, and the Year 11 pupil, who studies Politics, History, English, Maths, Geography, and Science, says the two pieces of homework a week he gets in each subject is too much. Lee, who...
A large fragment of the Union Jack flown from Lord Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar is to go under the hammer for an expected £100,000. The historic piece was said to been one of two flown from HMS Victory when Lord Horatio Nelson was shot by a French sniper in 1805. Admiral Nelson had issued orders that all his ships going into battle should not only fly the St George's Ensign but also a Union Jack from their...
"If I'd waited five hours to see a doctor, I'd be dead." Theresa May is confronted by Andrew Marr with the reality of the NHS funding and staffing crises on The Andrew Marr Show. In an interview in her constituency office, BBC presenter Andrew Marr explained to Theresa May that if he had suffered the stroke that incapacitated him in 2013 today, he may not have survived. Theresa May continued to insist that the NHS is better prepared and funded...
The PM has said that she has decided not to press ahead with her plans to reintroduce foxhunting. May wanted a vote in Parliament, which would have ended the ban on this blood sport, if it had gone the Government’s way. This U-turn could anger rural Tories in Conservative heartlands. She told BBC’s Andrew Marr Show that she had “not changed” her personal view on hunting. She went on to say: “If I look back at the messages that we...
This weekend McDonalds workers are celebrating winning their biggest pay rise in a decade after staff at restaurants in Cambridge and Crayford went on strike at the end of last year. The high-profile #McStrike campaign was supported by Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn followed similar successful campaigns by McDonalds staff in United States and New Zealand. One staff member posted on social media: "WE WON THIS. Biggest pay rise for 10 years! If 0.001% going on strike can win this imagine...
Fire and Fury, the tell-all book on Donald Trump, is set to be released early in the UK after the president's lawyers tried to shut it down. The book’s author, Michael Wolff, talked to several people about the presidential campaign and Trump's early days in the white house including Steve Bannon, his one-time confidant. About 250,000 copies of the book have already been shipped, with publishers Holt & Co saying there has been "unprecedented demand" for the publication. If you're struggling to...
The inquiry into the Grenfell Tower Fire has hired multinational consultancy KPMG despite the firm having millions of pounds of contracts with three of the main bodied potentially being investigated by the inquiry. KPMG has lucrative contracts with Rydon – the main contractor in charge of the refurbishment which installed the cladding blamed by many residents for the rapid spread of the blaze; with Celotex – which make the insulation which police said failed safety tests, as well as the...
Everyone apart from the Health Secretary seemed to see this crisis coming a mile off says union GMB, the union for NHS workers, has demanded Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt resigns as the NHS crisis tailspins into catastrophe. Already in 2018 tens of thousands of non-emergency operations have been postponed, while the latest NHS figures show in the final week of 2017 almost 5,000 ambulances had to wait more than an hour to handover the patient to hospital. Before Christmas, GMB...
Some of the lowest CO2 emitting countries in the world are the least likely to survive a climate change apocalypse – thanks to their fuel guzzling neighbours. New research has revealed countries in sub-Saharan Africa are the most vulnerable to the perils of a potential environmental disaster despite emitting some of the lowest CO2 levels in the World. China emerged as the biggest carbon criminal emitting a mammoth 9,040 metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year – nearly...
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