
MPs set to leave Labour and launch new party

In the biggest split in the Labour party since the 1980s, when the breakaway SDP was formed, it is expected that a number if MPs are set to leave Labour today,

There have been rumours swirling for sometime, and momentum for the plan appeared to be increasing last week. It is thought about four or five MPs are willing to make the jump.

It is rumoured that Chuka Umunna Chris Leslie, Luciana Berger, Gavin Shuker, Angela Smith and Mike Gapes could be the names, but there has not been any confirmation as yet.

During the Andrew Marr show, yesterday, John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor warned that leaving the party would ensure a sustained period of Tory rule.

He said: ““It would be like the 1980s. In my constituency in Hayes and Harlington we had a Labour MP join the SDP and we lost the seat to the Conservatives.

“And it basically installed Mrs Thatcher in power for that decade. I don’t think any of the people who have even been mentioned around this split would want that.”

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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