"In Musk’s world, trust is mistrust and safety is censorship. His goal is chaos. And it’s coming", Carole Cadwalladr argued.
"We are happy to clarify that Ms Hopkins was detained for spreading racial hatred, which took place after the ketamine incident.”
"When you tell your customers to go f—k themselves, then sue them when they stop advertising on your platform, it’s hard to be sympathetic."
"I don't know how a small article or Twitter account could cause such widespread confusion."
"Half your followers are sexbots, most of the interesting people have moved somewhere else, the people still there are posting less and your timeline is just an endless stream of misery."
The ad boycott is believed to have taken a significant toll on its finances, which last year saw its losses balloon to more than £42 million.
"If the media class think we’re going to forget their complicity over decades with one front-page, then I’ve got news for you: HELL NO" - Zarah Sultana.
Alastair Campbell accused him of morphing into a "sovereign individual anarcho-capitalist narcissist with fascist leanings".
David Yelland described it as one of the most repulsive, inaccurate and frankly embarrassing headlines in the newspaper's history.
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