Sir Paul Marshall is also among the potential suitors seeking to buy Telegraph Media Group.
The newspaper branding it "petty vindictiveness against a political giant by a PM of just seven weeks".
The candidates have been nominated "for their courage and determined reporting of Israel's war on Gaza" and "for giving the world an insight into the atrocities in Gaza."
The Secret Barrister advised that the best thing Dan Wootton could do, legally speaking, is to "simply stop being Dan Wootton".
"There hasn't been a GIF made yet that would truly be able to express my admiration for this tweet," wrote one Twitter user.
Gullis will be hosting Kevin O’Sullivan’s show for the first time this Friday from 7 pm to 10 pm.
"In Musk’s world, trust is mistrust and safety is censorship. His goal is chaos. And it’s coming", Carole Cadwalladr argued.
"We are happy to clarify that Ms Hopkins was detained for spreading racial hatred, which took place after the ketamine incident.”
"When you tell your customers to go f—k themselves, then sue them when they stop advertising on your platform, it’s hard to be sympathetic." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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