Britain's last remaining crossword compilers will become extinct within 15 years - after being replaced by ROBOTS, one of Britain's leading experts has warned. There are less than 100 professional crossword makers left in the UK but their days are numbered because of breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI), it is feared. Computers that can 'think' like real people will soon be able to construct standard and cryptic crosswords more cheaply and in a fraction of the time. It spells an...
A BBC presenter has questioned the class bias at the public service broadcaster and has asked for class, as well as ethnic diversity, to be the focus going forward. Steph McGovern, who is from Middlesbrough, questioned whether the BBC does enough to promote working class people into the top jobs. She told the Sunday Times: “We concentrate too much on ethnic diversity and not enough on class. It’s dead important to represent loads of different cultures. But what the BBC...
One thing we should expect from the World’s biggest information resource is integrity. Google has the power to influence everybody through the information it serves up during the 1.2 trillion information searches per year, worldwide. Google now processes an average of over 40,000 search queries every single second. However, is Google pulling the wool over our eyes, putting profit growth before the quality, independence, and relevance of the information it serves to us? Last year, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) revenue grew 21 per...
After the undercover revelations, printed in the FT, about the alleged sexual harassment at the Presidents Club annual charity dinner last night, there have been calls for Families minister, Nadhim Zahazwi, to resign, as he attended the event. The reputable finance newspaper reported men “repeatedly putting hands up their skirts” and one even said “an attendee had exposed his penis to her during the evening.” Already David Meller, a co-chair of the club, has stood down from the board of...
There's a lot to be said about sensationalism and misreporting in today's media market, but the Express took the biscuit today on what was evidently a slow news day for Hugh Whittow's troops. First came the news that Britain was apparently set to turn its guns towards Brussels as Brexit negotiations heat up. According to the right-wing rag Theresa May needs to "impose BRITISH MILITARY" to get best Brexit deal, in a blatant exaggeration of William Hague's words. The UK’s...
Donald Trump unveiled the winners of his self-made "Fake News Awards" last night in his latest attack on the free press. The move comes as the highly acclaimed The Post hits the big screens which reviewers have described as a "timely defence of the press and its freedom to expose corruption, even when it implicates or embarrasses those in political power". Among the "winners" of the fake news awards include the film's featured publications The New York Times and the...
An ex-university friend of BBC Newsnight's Emily Maitlis has been jailed for more than three years after bombarding her with sinister letters - warning her "I will not relent". Edward Vines, 47, re-started his 27-year campaign of harassment despite a restraining order banning him from contacting the journalist or her relatives. He had previously sent mother-of-two Ms Maitlis three letters from his prison cell after he was jailed for three years in 2016 over his stalking. When he was released...
A delegation of global press freedom groups will undertake an unprecedented mission to the United States, reflecting concerns about threats to journalists and heightened anti-press rhetoric. The mission, which follows trips to Ukraine and Turkey, will coincide with the one-year anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration and will leverage the first year’s findings of the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, which will be released at an event at the Newseum, Washington D.C. From January 15 to 17, leaders of six organisations -- Article...
Choose your favourite press photograph from the best 100 taken this year. SWNS is the largest independent press agency in the UK, supplying up to 20 per cent of our daily news content. Each year the SWNS news wire supplies newspapers and magazines around the world with some of the most fascinating, captivating and powerful photographs you could ever hope to see. The agency's picture editors have chosen 100 of the most compelling images released through the news wire this... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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