
Govt response to Daily Mail article begs the question… why did they publish it in the first place?

Daily Mail suggestions that Sir Keir Starmer is considering changing pub licensing hours is “categorically untrue”, a government spokesperson has informed the right-wing publisher.

An article published in today’s newspaper questions whether “Nanny Keir” is “after your beer” citing rumours that pubs could be forced to slash their opening hours in a bid to tackle harmful drinking.

But the suggestion has been put to bed by a health department spokesman, who was quoted in the Daily Mail article saying:

“It is categorically untrue that the Government is considering changing licensing hours.”

In fact, one of the first things Labour did after the election was to extend pub opening hours so they could stay open late for England’s Euro 2024 final game against Spain.

The Three Lions contested the game in Berlin at 8pm on a Sunday evening, which would usually leave only a few hours of drinking before pubs had to shut their doors at 11pm.

But the government announced it would allow boozers to remain open two hours later than usual, not having to close until 1am.

Pubs across the UK will stay open late on Sunday for England’s match against Spain in the Euro 2024 final, the government has confirmed.

They said it extended the licensing hours to mark this event of ‘exceptional national significance,’ as it did on the Wednesday before for England’s triumphant semi-final match against the Netherlands.

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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