
BBC star Nicky Campbell “dreading” Christmas – because his family will fight about BREXIT

The Radio 5 Live presenter was discussing plans with co-host Rachel Burden when he suddenly confessed he wasn’t feeling much festive cheer.

The Scot said he is often called on to be peacemaker during family rows which he says are “pretty full on”.

After saying he was putting on Christmas dinner for his family this year, he added: “I am slightly dreading Christmas lunch.

“We have got my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and there are going to be two people at the table who are diametrically opposed on Brexit.

“It comes up and every time it comes up I have to go, ‘No! No! We’re not having that’ because it inevitably gets pretty full on.

“I’m sure there are lots of families up and down the country like that.

“We need to set our differences to one side for Christmas and play football between the trenches.”

Listeners expressed sympathy for the 57-year-old host and admitted he wasn’t alone in feeling tense about Christmas.

Sam Bateman, 30, of Warwick, said: “I’m with Nicky on this one, the worst thing about Christmas is definitely family.

“I’m telling everyone who comes to mine this Christmas that Brexit is off the menu of topics. Anyone who utters a word puts a pound in a jar.”

Jim Copeland, 50, of Leeds, added: “When the booze flows people can get braver with their views.

“I think everyone should make a pact not to talk Brexit at the Christmas table. We all deserve one day off it.”

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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