
Lockdown and vaccine sceptics fuming as lockdown and vaccine sceptic journalist gets jab

An article titled “I’ve had the Covid jab – and all it cost me was my freedom”, by Peter Hitchens has got people talking today. A lot of people will be very confused as he has been a prominent lockdown and vaccine sceptic during the pandemic.

It comes on the same day the Guardian wrote that the Germans are envious of the UK.

Strange times indeed.

The Queen urged those hesitant about the coronavirus jab to get vaccinated, as the Government prepares to publish details on the next phase of the rollout.

The head of state, who was inoculated in January, said she understood that people who have never had a vaccine would find it “difficult” but encouraged them to “think about other people rather than themselves”.

The Queen added: “Once you’ve had the vaccine you have a feeling of, you know, you’re protected, which is I think very important.” But that isn’t why Hitchens got the jab.

In response to the Queen, in today’s article, Hitchens wrote: “So sorry, Your Majesty, but I have had my first Covid vaccination for wholly selfish reasons. I did not do it for the good of others but for my own convenience. And I will have my second for the same purpose.”

He then seems to blame Tony Blair for the vaccine “I hope it becomes known as the Blair Passport – as it is largely the warmongering Creature’s idea and people will come to hate it, as they have come to hate so many of his actions.”

He ends his piece with  ‘it will now get worse, because we have been through a revolution, in which we gave up real freedom for the illusion of safety. For me, almost all I need to know about it is that Mr Blair likes it so much.”


A lot of people on social media felt let down by Hitchens, who many saw as a prominent voice against the government’s pandemic approach. The reactions are a mixture of genuine anger and, possibly, sarcasm.












Others people who were not fans anyway also piled in.





Related: Covidiocy? Reactions to Ian Brown’s latest thoughts on Covid and lockdown

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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