
Live: Campaigners descend on London to protest Donald Trump UK visit

Campaigners have descended on London today to protest the arrival of US President Donald Trump in the UK.

The President landed at Stansted Airport yesterday and made his way to the house of the US Ambassador before attending a black-tie dinner on Thursday at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire.

Today he is set to have a working lunch with Theresa May at Chequers before meeting the Queen and then flying to Turnberry resort in Scotland to play golf.

But a day of protests are in store first with tens of thousands of protesters expected to take to the streets of London.

The main anti-Trump rally will take place at 2pm today with 60,000 people registered as ‘attending’ on Facebook.

Marchers will leave unite in Portland Place and walk down Regents Street and Haymarket before finishing in Trafalgar Square.

A separate woman’s march is expected to take place along the same route, which could see 10,000 participants gather.


Jeremy Corbyn says the Tories are rewarding Trump with a red carpet welcome at a time when his dangerous and inhumane policies are putting the lives and the wellbeing of millions of people at risk.


The Trump Baby has been inflated and is ready to fly above London for the duration of the day.

Nona Hurkmans, 33, a London-based activist and “Trump babysitter,” says they want to send a message of support to people who have been impacted by Trump’s policies and to make the point that he is a giant baby.


Trump baby rises over Parliament Square to cheers from the crowd below.


Gorilla Trump in a cage has just arrived.


And Dalek Trump just turned up hot on its heels.


Want to get involved in today’s protest? Here’s where you need to be:


“Ring of steel” erected around Parliament over fears anti-Trump protests could turn violent.


Huge turnout for women’s march.


Regent Street swarmed with campaigners as momentum builds ahead of the rally.


Some excellent needlework.


Even Fox News can’t ignore the demonstrations.


London out in force.


This footage from Portland Street is unreal.

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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