
Letter to Conservative Minister who promised to look into miscarriage of justice…but has since remained silent

GMB has called the Government out over a Minister’s broken promise on the Cammell Laird miscarriage of justice.

A total of 37 Cammell Laird shipyard workers were caged in 1984 after taking official strike action over job losses.

They were thrown in a high security category A jail – normally reserved for violent criminals and murderers – for 30 days and were then sacked, losing all their redundancy payments and pension rights.

Official documents relating to the severity of their sentenced have disappeared and despite the European Parliament backing their case in 2014 – the Government has remained silent.

A year ago today Conservative Justice Minister Phillip Lee told campaigners if he returned to his post after the election he would look into the matter.

So far, he has remained silent. GMB and campaigning MPs have today written to Mr Lee demanding action.

The letter reads: “It is now a year ago to the day that you gave a commitment that you would look into the historic miscarriage of justice which saw strikers at Cammell Laird shipyard jailed.

“Following repeated questions from Labour MPs and the Shadow Justice Minister on 25th April 2017, you committed – three times – in the Chamber that you would look into this case. A year on and after repeated calls, the workers who were wrongfully imprisoned and their families are still no closer to getting the truth they deserve.

“Since 1984, 10 Cammell Laird workers and one apprentice have gone to their grave without the answer to why and who took the decision to imprison them. Campaigners, GMB Union and their families will not rest until the workers get the answers to the following:

“These shipyard workers were thrown in a high security category A jail – normally reserved for violent criminals and murderers – for 30 days and were then sacked, losing all their redundancy payments and pension rights. Who took this decision and why?

“Official documents relating to the severity of their sentenced have disappeared and despite the European Parliament backing their case in 2014 – the Government has remained silent – will these documents, evidence and further information be released and if not, why not?

“Cammell Laird strikers filed a complaint in July 2013 to the European Parliament in respect of the unjust treatment of Cammell Laird strikers in 1984 – the European Parliament’s Petitions Committee ruled in favour of the workers – When will the Government respond to this ruling?”

The letter is signed by Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, Paul MacCarthy, GMB Regional Secretary North West and Irish region, Shadow Justice Minister Richard Burgon MP, Angela Eagle MP and Jim MacMahon MP.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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