
‘I was shouting about Alan, not Allah’: Leeds protester defends his actions

A man who led a well-known vigilante group targeting paedophiles found himself on the wrong side of the law this week, after he was jailed for eight months for his role in the disorder which took place in Leeds on Saturday 3 August.

Anti-paedophile vigilante slapped with jail sentence

Phillip Hoban, aged 48, struck a remorseful tone in the dock, and represented himself. He was also stood alongside his co-accused, James Gettings. Hoban was reported to have made offensive gestures towards pro-Palestine protesters, by rubbing his lips and allegedly goading them.

Though he was at pains to deny that he harbours any racist ideologies, Hoban did admit to two counts of racially aggravated intentional harassment, or alarm or distress by using threatening or abusive or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour.

During his testimony, the father-of-three renounced his actions on the day, calling himself a ‘stupid, drunken idiot’ and saying that his predator-hunting group should have ‘no room for fools like me’. His contrition continued throughout the hearing.

Leeds ‘protester’ claims to have mixed up his ‘Allahs’ with his ‘Alans’

Lawyer Carmel Pearson also summarised Hoban’s defence to the court, claiming that he had joined in with a derogatory ‘who the f*** is Allah’ chant, and instead, believed the crowd were chanting about someone called ‘Alan’.

“He was keen to tell police he is of mixed heritage and said he was shouting not ‘who the f*** is Allah’ but ‘Who the f*** is Alan?’ He said the gestures he was making was not racist but more he was making gestures to imply they were cry-babies.” | Carmel Pearson

Leeds disorder suspect convicted in court

However, the pleas fell flat. Hoban, despite offering an apology and admitting to feeling ‘ashamed’ of his actions, was convicted and handed a custodial sentence. Judge Guy Kearl was unwavering in his verdict, telling the defendant that he ‘should have known better’.

“Your conduct and that of your group was designed to stir up hatred. By Saturday 3 August there had been disorder in Southport, Manchester, Hartlepool, Aldershot, London, Liverpool and Sunderland. Mr. Hoban, you have told me you are mixed race. Then you should know better.”

“The law applies to everyone: No matter what colour, race, religion or political persuasion they are. There is no distinction. The law is colourblind. The law is there to protect everyone in our society, both in terms of their safety and businesses.” | Judge Guy Kearl

Tom Head

Hailing from Nottingham, Tom Head has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world. He spent five years as a political reporter in South Africa, specialising in the production digital content. The 30-year-old has two cats, a wonderful wife, and a hairline that's steadily making a retreat.

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