
Khan’s anti-Brexit fireworks ignite Brexiteer anger

Sadiq Khan trolled Theresa May, and other Brexiteers, with a blatant anti-Brexit fireworks display to at midnight on new year’s eve, and it hasn’t gone down well with Leave supporters.

The phrase ‘London is open’ was spoken in Spanish, Polish, French, Romanian, German and Italian as the £2.3m taxpayer-funded fireworks illuminated the capital.

Talking prior to the display, the London Mayor said: “One of the things which upset many, many Londoners and many people across our country and in Europe is the tone and language used by politicians in Westminster, giving the impression we’re insular, inward looking, not welcoming to Europeans.

“I think the Government’s made a mess of negotiations with the European Union.

“Bearing in mind Parliament can’t resolve the issue of how we will leave the European Union, we should allow the public to take back control with the option of staying in European Union, or accepting the deal made by the government.”

Conservative MP and Andrew Bridgen accusing Khan of a “betrayal of democracy”.

He told the Sun: “It’s low, it’s very low to politicise what is an international public event.

“It’s a betrayal of democracy and it’s what we have come to expect from a very poor mayor of London.

“Over three million EU citizens have decided to make the UK their home despite Brexit. I wish all our politicians had as much confidence in post-Brexit Britain as these people.”

Julia Hartley-Brewer said: “Are you bloody kidding me? You put the EU flag on the London Eye on New Year’s Eve? WTAF?”

Nigel Farage said: ”London’s Mayor clearly has no understanding of the city’s history, it has never been confined to Europe. It has always been far more broad-minded and global.”

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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