
Jeremy Corbyn tables no confidence motion in Theresa May

Jeremy Corbyn has tabled a motion of no confidence in Theresa May as Prime Minister.

The PM thought she had seen off the Labour leader, when she announced that she would hold the EU deal vote next Jan 14. However, Corbyn has decided to go through with the no confidence motion, as the vote is not soon enough.

Jeremy Corbyn has tabled a motion of no confidence in Theresa May as Prime Minister after she attempted to quash support for a Final Say referendum in a statement to MPs.

As the motion is aimed at the Prime Minister, this move is not the same as a proper motion of no confidence in the government and, unlike a proper motion of no confidence, the government does not have to allow time for it to be debated.

It’s not clear whether MPs will actually be able to take part in the vote this week. If it does take place, its result won’t actually be binding.

Additionally is not the same as a formal no confidence vote, which would trigger a general election 14 days after being defeated.

Mr Corbyn said she had “led the country into a national crisis”, and lost the support of her own cabinet.

This is what Jeremy Corbynsaid in his point of order at the end of Theresa May’s statement.

Corbyn said in his point of order in the Commons: “It’s very clear that it’s bad, unacceptable that we should be waiting almost a month before we have a meaningful vote on the crucial issue facing the future of this country.

“The prime minister has obdurately refused to ensure a vote took place on the date she agreed, she refuses to allow a vote to take place this week and is now, I assume, thinking the vote will be on January 14 – almost a month away.

“This is unacceptable in any way whatsoever.

“So, as the only way I can think of ensuring a vote takes place this week, I’m about to table a motion which says the following: ‘That this House has no confidence in the prime minister due to her failure to allow the House of Commons to have a meaningful vote straight away on the withdrawal agreement and framework for future relationships between the UK and European Union.’

“That will be tabled immediately, Mr Speaker.”

Joe Mellor

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