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Islington Councillor Received Death Threats From Drug Dealers Over Closure of Fabric

Islington Councillor Flora Williamson received a death threat from a drug dealer following the closure of Fabric nightclub.

Sebastian Clark-Darby sent a message stating “please note you have received official death threat” after Islington Council revoked the London venue’s licence following the drug-related deaths of two teenagers.

He was one of 150,000 to sign a petition opposing Fabric’s closure before sending the ‘stupid’ email from his work computer.

Clark-Darby has been jailed for eight months at Blackfriars Crown Court after previously admitting sending a threatening or malicious message and breaching a suspended sentence.

Judge Daniel Worsley QC told him: “You did this because you did not like a decision of the planning committee of Islington Council, on which she sits, to close a nightclub.

“Councillors, elected representatives and employees of public bodies carry out their public duties for the public good. They have to balance competing interests in the committee’s best interests.

“It is a difficult job and one undertaken by many, and very often by councillors with scant reward. The courts will not tolerate threats to them.”

Patricia Deighan, prosecuting, said Councilor Williamson received a barrage of negative messages following the committee’s decision.

She said Ms Williamson felt vulnerable and concerned for her safety and the safety of her family and friends after the closure, and was concerned that it could effect the way she carried out duties as a councillor.


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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