The aunt of a 13-year-old boy who died in the Grenfell Tower fire has paid tribute to the ‘pure hearted boy’.
Yahya Hashim had been missing since the devastating fire alongside parents Noura and Hashim Jemal, as well as siblings Firdaws, 12, and Yaqub, six.
The family lived on the 23rd floor of the tower block, and the children attended the nearby Kensington Aldridge Academy, where Yahya was a star pupil.
Speaking on behalf of his family, his aunt, said: “Yahya – My most kind, handsome, pure hearted, sweet nephew.
“You were the most kind, polite, loving, generous, thankful and pure hearted boy I ever knew.
“You used to laugh so much that you couldn’t run any more or do anything. I miss that laugh so much.
“Your dream of what you wanted to be when you grow up was very different from what other children dream of.
“You wanted to be Ustaz, a religion/Islamic teacher.”

Siblings Firdaws and Yahya regularly attended Solidarity Sports, a local youth charity which organises activities including football and climbing.
The family-of-five had been missing but presumed dead since the tragedy on June 14.
His aunt added: “Everyone that met you used to fall in love with your politeness and pure heartedness.
“You were a perfect example of how a Muslim should be; you would have been a pride to Islam and humanity.
“I don’t know if there will be anything alike for the love that you had for your parents.
“You used to defend them no matter what, and you hated to be separated from any of them.
“‘Sorry’ had to be the word that you used most in your unfairly short life time.
“You used to apologise for everything; for your little mistakes and even for other people’s faults.
“I am so sorry that you had to leave this way. I am so sorry that you had to go through so much.
“I am so sorry that you were let down. I am so sorry that I was not there to alleviate your pain.”