
Gary Neville issues last ditch plea to voters

Gary Neville has urged voters to deal the Conservatives a historic defeat on July 4th and bring 14 years of woeful governance to a close.

The former England international, who has been a fierce critic of the Tories over recent years, took to social media with a powerful message to Brits with just days to go until the country heads to the polls.

He said:

“They partied , they bet on elections , they crashed the economy, they broke every public service, they destroyed integrity and honesty in public office , they paid their mates billions , they put their friends in the House of Lords, they gave their cronies knighthoods, they went into the jungle , they lied again and again, they were convicted by police, they went on holiday when they shouldn’t and they have the cheek to question Keir Starmer’s work ethic. I would never take anything for granted but I hope they are annihilated on Thursday. The worst people and government we have ever had!”

Gary Neville

Polling suggests Rishi Sunak’s party is headed for a hammering in the election, but the Labour Party has warned voters not to assume the victory has been secured.

What’s more, as Edwin Hayward points out here, there’s much more up for grabs this time around, with the very realistic prospect of the Lib Dems becoming the main opposition party now on the cards.

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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Tags: gary neville