
Food bank-bound couple say they’ll be voting Tories at election

A couple interviewed by the BBC during a trip to the food bank say they will be voting Conservative at the general election because they have helped them “more than anybody”.

Food bank use has shot up since the Tories were first elected into government in 2010 under David Cameron.

The Trussell Trust, the organisation that runs around two-thirds of the food banks in the UK, has gone from giving out 61,468 food parcels in 2010/11, the first year of Cameron’s government, to 2.54 million in 2020/21.

Poverty is also at a record high, affecting 14.5 million people—a rise of 1.5 million people since 2010/11.

Asked by a BBC correspondent how they will be voting at the next general election, one couple in Worthing heading to the food bank said they will be backing Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives because “they’ve helped us more than anybody”.

Watch the clip in full below:

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