A senior city worker is facing a jail term after sexually assaulting two women at the company’s main office, during drinking sessions described as “Wolf of Wall Street-style.” Anthony Constantinou, head of financial group Capital World Markets (CWM), treated one of his victims "like a piece of meat". The 34-year-old pushed a lump of hot wasabi paste in her mouth, and told her she had a "cracking a*** and pair of t****" before forcing his tongue into her mouth. He...
It’s estimated that 4 in 10 adults in the UK have less than £500 in their savings account and around 28% of adults have nothing saved for a rainy day! That’s why PayPlan has created an interactive journey entitled “One Unfortunate Week” designed to raise awareness of the importance of a savings buffer. The piece puts you in the shoes of the average Brit, five days before payday and subjected to some of the worst luck you have ever seen,...
The digital world is not a safe place and a huge increase in scams and online attacks, show that financial fraud in the first half of 2016 increased 25 per cent to £399.5 million. The figures were released by Financial Fraud Action (FFA UK) today and the sums of money that are being swindled on a daily basis, on-line, are astonishing. However, the amount of money that is actually attempted to be stolen is much larger. On-line security systems at...
Sterling slumped to a 168-low last night selling at $1.2117 in late US trading. According to a trade-weighted index measuring sterling against a basket of its trading peers, the pound has now slumped to its lowest on record, even stretching beyond the introduction of free-floating exchange rates in the 1970s, according to data compiled by the Bank of England reported in the Financial Times. The pound’s effective exchange rate slipped to lows of 29.27 on Tuesday – weaker than the depths...
As our smartphones continue to get more sophisticated, so does the way we put them to use, they have become bespoke life tools and for many this includes using them to prosper. Making money using a smartphone is currently a hot topic online and throughout the wider media and so here we look at how your smartphone could be your greatest financial tool. Online Trading Platforms Trading stocks and shares on the world's financial markets is exciting and can...
There are 53,000 super wealthy people in the UK who are in the prestigious top 0.1 per cent of earners. These are people who make more money in a month than most make in a number of years. Probably a nice place to be, if you are part of this elite group. However, for everyone else these super rich people live in a world we can only imagine, and it is also a male dominated social strata. A report by...
The outcome of the 2016 US elections could significantly affect the forex market. With Clinton and Trump currently leading the survey, it’s essential to examine what will happen when one is elected over the other. Businessmen and traders are used to treating the election year as a time of uncertainty. This is especially true for countries under democratic or parliamentary governance, such as the US. Issues facing the nation’s economy often make their way in the presidential discussions. If you...
The release of the new plastic five-pound notes has inspired people to donate the hi-tech currency to charity. A social media campaign has been set up to ask people to give their brand new polymer fivers to good causes. The notes are machine washable and likely to last a lot longer than the traditional paper notes. The note features a picture of war time leader Winston Churchill. Fundraiser John Thompson was the bright spark behind the initiative to part with...
Pension crisis leads many to consider other investment options for retirement. With markets struggling and the pound in crisis, take control of your pension fund and invest it in ways that will promise better returns for the future. Annuities have been struggling for some time, but over recent weeks they have taken another hit, with some government gilts now offering a negative return. This followed a failure by the Bank of England to meet its target of buying £1.17bn of...
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