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Facebook Will Be ‘All Video In Five Years’

Facebook will be ‘all video in five years says EMEA Vice President according to the social network’s European vice president Nicola Mendelsohn.

Talking today at the fifth annual Fortune Most Powerful Women International Summit, in London, Mendelsohn said people are writing less and posting more videos and images.

She said: “In five years’ time it will definitely be mobile, it will probably be all video and it will certainly be more immersive – 360 will feel very common.”

There has been a 700 per cent jump in film use in the past year, with a significant shift in 360° immersive experiences.

She said: “We’re seeing 100 million hours every single day of people watching video on mobile [within Facebook]. And that number is just going up and up and up. We’ve gone from a billion views a day to eight billion views a day in the past year alone.

“This is an era of storytelling,” she said. “The best way to tell stories in this world where so much information is coming out, is video. It can lend so much more information in a much quicker period. So actually, the trend helps us digest information.”

Recent Facebook statistics show that on average, people spend 50 minutes of their day on Facebook mobile, and they’re still seeing an increase year on year. There are 1.65 billion monthly unique users around the world and 1 billion daily unique users around the world, with 200 million more people are joining up year on year.

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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