
Ex-PM Cameron barred from Parliament

Ex-Pm David Cameron is not allowed in Parliament after he forget to renew his pass. 

There are 416 names on the most recent list of ex-MPs who have parliamentary passes giving them special access Parliament, including cheap drinks in the infamous Strangers Bar.

The list is similar to the previous version but with one notable name missing – David Cameron is no longer on it. He was on the June list but not the October version.

Former MPs are entitled to passes giving them privileged access to the parliamentary estate and its subsidised facilities – but only if they apply for them.

Other famous names on the most recent list include George Osborne, Nick Clegg, Ken Livingstone and Alex Salmond.

Since the EU vote and his resignation, Cameron has kept out of the spotlight and hasn’t spoken to many media outlets about his thoughts on the current state of the UK’s political situation. However, he did take to Twitter to urge Tory MP to back May in her vote of no confidence.

The Daily Mail, which reported the story, said David Cameron’s team expected Westminster officials to contact them when his pass needed to be renewed.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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