
Tory cuts increasing youth homelessness, warns charity

A worrying new report has highlighted how Tory cuts have caused a crisis in homelessness among young people.

The documents discovered that delays in supplying Universal Credit payments on time were forcing people onto the streets, in desperation.

With no access to welfare payments they have no option but to sleep on the streets, or in refuges supplied by charities.

According to the survey carried out by Homeless Link, a charity that works with homeless people, over ninety per cent (92%) of respondents identified delayed Universal Credit payments as having an impact on youth homelessness.

55% of homelessness agencies recorded an increase in demand for their services over the past year, and 45% believed there had been an increase in young men sleeping rough.

The survey questioned 79 local authorities and 109 youth homelessness service providers.

Homeless Link’s chief executive, Rick Henderson, said: “The picture of youth homelessness is extremely concerning, and there is clear evidence that systemic issues such as welfare reform and the housing crisis are worsening the situation.

“While youth homelessness charities and councils are working hard to successfully support many young people away from homelessness, more needs to be done.

“It is vital that we focus on preventing homelessness among vulnerable young people, and that those who do become homeless are able to get the support they need.”




Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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