
Team GB windsurfer can’t train in Britain due to sewage in the seas

Team GB windsurfer Sarah Jackson has been forced to train overseas… because British seas are full of sewage.

Speaking to Sky News, Jackson says the sewage problem in the UK is “pretty horrific” and has resulted in her having to train further afield as she prepares for this summer’s Olympic Games in Paris.

Analysis of NHS hospital admissions data shows waterborne diseases have “put thousands of people in hospital” under the Tories.

Cases of waterborne diseases such as dysentery have soared by nearly 60 per cent since 2010, when the party first came to power.

Labour said the statistics showed that in the last year alone more than 120 people were diagnosed with leptospirosis – a rare infection that can cause fever and vomiting – which is double the number diagnosed with the same condition in 2010.

No wonder Team GB is packing its bags for foreign climes!

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