The new roofs are set to be rolled out across 90 stops across Derby.
The shadow chancellor said her party has to approach investment in a ‘way where the numbers add up’.
The Met Office said the figure was recorded in Achfary, Sutherland, on Sunday.
Energy analysts said the country is not on track, citing a list of U-turns, watered down targets and inconsistent messaging.
"The richest 1 per cent are responsible for more carbon emissions than poorest 66 per cent combined", he pointed out.
Searing temperatures, floods, wildfires and crop failure have been wrecking lives across the world with conditions expected to worsen.
Tidal energy in the UK could meet 11 per cent of the current electricity demand while the global market could be worth about £125 billion by 2050.
Richard Tice called CO2 a "plant food" in a video that could have been debunked by a pre-schooler.
The Prime Minister said it was ‘entirely right that selfish protesters’ are handed ‘tough sentences’ – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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