What the main amendments were, the reasons given for rejecting them, and who voted to allow raw sewage in our waters.
Patricia Espinosa, the UN's top climate official, warned about the dangers of the Cop26 talks failing.
Despite being unable to share a figure, Sunak claimed the upcoming Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow will be a “success”, “particularly on the finance side, which I’m responsible for”.
The Labour MP for Leeds West said the north of England is “sick of announcements without delivery”.
“In my view, we simply can’t ignore the environmental impacts of our lifestyles, particularly in the West, particularly among wealthier groups,” a climate researcher said.
The climate activist mentioned a "heavily subsidised" plant which is the third biggest CO2 emitter in Europe and said that despite this, the UK government "still considers itself to be a global climate leader".
The students think they know more science than adults.
The "wonderful" and "uplifting" video has been shared widely across social media - including by Rick Astley himself.
The sponsors formally complained about UK’s “very inexperienced” civil servants for postponed decisions, bad communication and decaying relationships between the companies and the organisers.
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