“Women’s safety cannot be compromised under any circumstances. It’s totally unacceptable for people to feel afraid because they’re being forced to walk through potentially dangerous routes in the pitch black.”
“We’re all about stopping emissions and not using fossil fuels much less idling your car while attending a climate conference."
"Getting into the spirit of Glasgow I see! Brilliant. Although, probably best to avoid the fried Mars bars if you value your digestive system Greta," tweeted one social media user.
"How much of a pr*ck do you have to be to not wear a mask around national treasure Sir David Attenborough."
"We can meet anywhere—Earth or space," Musk was told.
The disclosure came after Chancellor Rishi Sunak faced accusations of hypocrisy when he announced a cut in air passenger duty on short-haul flights and a further freezing of fuel duty in his Budget last week, just days before the opening of Cop26.
Greta was not given a formal invite to the conference.
"The Chinese will just says ‘we can’t take this guy seriously’," the PM was told.
'People who own a private jet, yacht and rockets shouldn't get to say anything about climate change,' said one Twitter user.
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