“Allowing hunts to go ahead on public and Government-owned land is completely irresponsible, regardless of whether those taking part are the Prime Minister’s mates."
"Lovely Christmas gift from Thames Water: they’ve dumped raw sewage in the river overnight so Boxing Day swim is off. Thanks."
“If we want to preserve the habitat of these amazing mammals, then we need to focus on the root of the problem, which is slowing global climate change.”
“Christmas can be a time of excess and it is more and more causing people to think about how that impact can be mitigated," one union leader has said.
The glacier - which is the size of Britain - is blocking many other huge glaciers in Antarctica which are also deteriorating as the Southern Ocean warms. Scientists think that if Thwaites collapses, so will the whole ice sheet.
“Our village continues to stink and suffer, and my little boy still struggles to breathe. Hearing him cry ‘Mummy, mummy, I can’t breathe’ motivates me to do everything I can to fight for his health.”
"There was a wildlife belt running between our fences and the motorway but now we haven't seen any bats or birds in any of our gardens, their habitat has also been destroyed.'
“The rusting bridge is a metaphor of the damage the Conservatives have done to our city since 2010."
More than 100,000 Brits are on council waiting lists for a space - a threefold spike. They fill the void for those without gardens.
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