Fancy camping out in searing 38 degree heat? That's where we're headed, according to meteorologists.
Tory MPs faced anger from their constituents after an amendment that would have placed a legal duty on water companies not to pump waste into our rivers was voted down.
"Will the Government end this scandal by imposing a sewage tax on water company profits to fund necessary upgrades and will they ban water company bosses from claiming bonuses until that is done?”
In the last two decades the numbers of koalas is estimated to have fallen by 50 per cent in New South Wales.
Kester Brewin replied supporting the ex-football star writing: "In which so many of the replies confirm the patient's belligerent ignorance of the seriousness of their condition."
"We ask visitors to please stay on the various footpaths that cross the headland and to remember 'flowers don't grow where feet go'."
"Seeing impoverished suburban housing in America that each comes with enough land that, if it were in Britain, we would be able to cram a small housing estate on it, a side road and two vape shops."
“I understand they’re under-resourced, but the Government will need to go further and faster if it’s really serious about hitting its net-zero target,” Mr Isaacson said.
"Once again, they’re handing out lucrative permits to the likes of Shell for a project that won’t start producing gas for years, that won’t lower our bills, but will create massive emissions causing deadly flooding and wildfires, and mass migration from people fleeing the climate crisis.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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