"This infographic will be haunting my dreams. There's so much to fight for & against in the world today, but focus on the climate crisis must come first."
It comes as another Brexit Tory MP has branded Brits taking precautions against the unprecedented heatwave ‘cowards’ and ‘snowflakes’.
"Meteorologist John Hammond stars in the latest UK remake of #DontLookUp: the #heatwave edition."
It will come as no surprise that he is a climate sceptic who has banked a large amount of money from the oil industry...
"The Met Office has issued a red warning for the heatwave because of the likely risk to life. So where is the Health Secretary?" asked Wes Streeting
Temperatures in the interior of the Atlantic country were forecast to hit 44C (111F) during the day.
“For years people have seen executives and investors handsomely rewarded while the environment pays the price."
“It will pour fuel on the climate crisis and be deeply damaging for the UK’s reputation as a ‘climate leader.'"
"We don't want a theme park - we want wildlife!" Chris Packham tweeted to raise profile of the importance of the site.
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