Rich Renton, from Duns in the Scottish Borders, was driving with two colleagues on his usual collection route when the looming cloud caught his eye.
The potentially harmful impact of indoor air pollution on children is to be the subject of a major study for the first time in the UK, with experts saying it needs to be taken as seriously as outdoor pollutants. A new working group, led by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), has been established to study the effects of indoor air pollution on child health and what can...
The female mallard got the better of the bird of prey after jumping on its back mid-air, forcing it to drop its catch
The research also found that only 15 per cent of people globally live in places where women and lower income groups have at least somewhat equal access to power
Researchers say American swamp sparrows may have sung the same songs for more than a millennium - and passed them on through generations by learning
TV shows like Planet Earth, Springwatch and Countryfile make viewers more confident about their bodies - combating insecurities over appearance
A shocking investigation by ITV news has found a seventy per cent rise in “paupers funerals,” over the last three years. If that wasn’t shocking enough some of the councils do not allow family and friends to attend the funeral. Others won't let the bereaved have ashes or even choose words and music. Their investigation found: 300 councils across the UK responded to a freedom of information request Their responses revealed a 70% increase in paupers' funerals over the last...
Father of two Harri Patel, 63, said noise "not too bad" despite being airports closest neighbour for 23 years
They are becoming increasing nocturnal to escape from humans – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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