Researchers found a link between neighbourhood green space and mental capacity after following 6,500 people in Britain for 10 years
Indea Chawk will take up the job at Central Bedfordshire Council to help preserve the protected species.
Ancient bones found at Roman archaeological sites reveal that two whale species have been lost from the Med
Representatives from leading mental health charity Mind and anti-poverty charity The Trussell Trust gave evidence to the Public Accounts Committee yesterday about the roll-out of Universal Credit (UC). Both charities have recently called on the Government to delay the roll out of UC after the National Audit Office (NAO) released a damning report highlighting how the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has not done enough to protect and support ‘vulnerable claimants’ including disabled people and people with health conditions. Paul Farmer,...
Ian Brown from Mancuian band Stone Roses famously said Manchester "had everything except a beach" - and now it has one
Children are the "invisible victims" of justice system
This is the moment a brave diver reaches closer than most of us would to try to pull a hook from the mouth of one of the world's most dangerous sharks after tempting it over with a fish. The footage shows diver and marine biologist Leigh Cobb bait the oceanic white tip shark with a fish - before dislodging the piece of metal with her right hand. The fearless diver said that by placing her hand on the shark's nose...
Visitorswill be able to walk in the woods with them
Neuroscientists in Canada believe they have identified the neural circuit that may underlay intelligence in birds – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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