The infernos have raged through holiday resorts near Greece's capital killing at least 50 people and injuring more than 100
Above average heat being felt in many areas of the world
Global Witness today reveals that at least 207 land and environmental defenders were killed last year – indigenous leaders, community activists and environmentalists murdered trying to protect their homes and communities from mining, agribusiness and other destructive industries. Severe limits on the data available mean the global total is probably much higher. Murder is the most egregious example of a range of tactics used to silence defenders, including death threats, arrests, intimidation, cyber-attacks, sexual assault and lawsuits. The report “At What...
The homelessness crisis in the UK has been highlighted, once again, by charity Shelter. A FOI request has found that over 33,000 families are holding down a job even though they are in unstable temporary accommodation. Back in 2013 there were 19,000 families in this position. The increase is an astonishing 73 per cent. One single mother, Mary Smith, has bravely spoken out about how she fell on hard times and ended up in temporary accommodation. Mary and her three...
Researchers say that revitalising rundown and dilapidated areas of towns and cities may be an important - and cheap - way to address crime and mental health issues
Plastic used in trays, wrappings around fruit and vegetables and cheeses and other food packets had 4,283 individual chemicals of which 148 highly hazardous substances.
Scientists have shown how much sea level would rise if Larsen C and George VI - two Antarctic ice shelves at risk of collapse - were to break up
Researchers say that naturally occurring compounds in the plant may stop cancer cells from spreading and block tumour blood supplies
Cambridge Street Aid has set up 'giving points' for the homeless – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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