Scientists say that if CO2 levels continue to rise the consequences will be “catastrophic”
First mapping of global marine wilderness shows just how little remains
Photographer Hugh Brown uncovered those exposed to the harshest and most dangerous ways of making a living
The photos taken over five days in June show Brits watching the World Cup and making most of the scorching weather in the capital.
They say that a failure to act quickly and decisively will greatly increase the risk of 'unprecedented and irrevocable' species loss in the most diverse parts of the planet
The baked mud floor can be seen as water levels continue to fall in many of the Uk's reservoirs,
Suburban bumblebees are suffering from a toxic pesticide also found in pet flea treatments and many treated garden centre plants but banned from farms
There has been a worrying rise in the number of deaths in police custody. The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has reported that 23 people sadly died in 2017. Of that number 17 had suffered some form of restraint or force by officers. It should be noted that is not a necessarily a direct link to why they died. Among the 23 people highlighted by the latest statistics are cases such as Rashan Charles and Edson da Costa in London. Those...
The Government has failed to publish the long-awaited Green Paper on social housing before summer recess, despite repeated promises to outline and consult on plans to tackle the current crisis. This preliminary report was due to set out what the Government intends to do to improve social housing, and mental health charity Mind was hoping to see it specifically address the issues faced by people with mental health problems living in, or waiting for, social housing. Vicki Nash, Head of... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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