The collapse of their culture has shocking implications for unsustainable logging today, say scientists
Scientists say the 'next-gen' repellents are effective with potentially fewer environmental side-effects than existing ones
Flushing them down the sink and loo is fuelling the tide of pollution in seas and rivers, according to the study
Researchers warned that what was previously assumed to be the "absolute worst case" now appears to be "modest" for what is predicted in some locations
The discovery could lead to better personalised treatments for bipolar disorder and other forms of depression
Researchers hope that the breakthrough could lead to better treatment for people with cancer
A study shows that at the global level, 2018 to 2022 may be an even hotter period than expected based on current global warming
UK unemployment fell by 65,000 to 1.36 million in three months to June - the lowest for more than 40 years. They also show a rise in productivity, but a slowdown in wage growth. The official figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on unemployment revealed that: 5% unemployment in London is near record low (persons aged 16-64, April-June 2018), driven in particular by fewer young people and fewer women out of work. The young person (18-24 year old) unemployment...
The turtle washed up near Penzance, Cornwall, and it is believed it may have been injured by a boat's propeller. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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