Freya the springer spaniel has been trained up and employed by Wessex Water, whose region is a "stronghold" for the small amphibians
By Chloé Farand Chloé Farand is a reporter at Desmog UK investigating climate change denial - where this report first appeared. In a packed lecture hall a few hundred metres away from the Conservative Party Conference, climate science denier and hard-Brexiter MP Owen Paterson told the cheering crowd: “We are the mainstream of the Conservative Party.” As the rift between different factions of the Conservative Party deepens over Brexit, Paterson, a political advisor to the group Leave Means Leave, was preaching to an audience...
The fungus provides a powerful medicine for honey bees to fight off viruses carried by the varroa mite
Scientists say orcas are particularly threatened in heavily contaminated areas such as the waters near Brazil, the Strait of Gibraltar and around the UK
The discovery sheds fresh light on the mysterious vocalisations that are among the eeriest sounds in the ocean
A group of Arctic experts led by Edinburgh University discovered that the effects of climate change are behind an increase in plant height across the tundra over the past 30 years
A survey of 2,000 adults revealed a third don’t not know what they should do with their empty crisp packets while one in four aren’t sure whether cardboard drinks cartons can be recycled.
A study suggests glyphosate is contributing to the decline of honey bees and native species around the world
The creepy critter is known to feed on insects and possibly small birds but it has never been found preying on fish - until now – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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