Researchers have found the effects of climate change are altering the rainforest’s composition of tree species - but not quickly enough to keep up with the changing environment
As a new surge in knife crime grips the capital, researchers found the frequency of stabbings spike between 4pm and 6pm - attributable to incidents occurring on school days
And, worryingly, the chemicals are being passed in to the food stream when the contaminated insects are eaten by predators - both in the water and on land
Scientists have designed the 'bioreactor' that can induce partial hindlimb regeneration in adult aquatic African clawed frogs by "kick-starting" tissue repair at the amputation site
The great apes are currently only found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra, and are classified as "critically endangered"
At least ten animals are currently tangled up or caught in plastic paraphernalia at a time which is said to be 'worse than any other'.
Carbon emissions from transport and industry are slowing down the jet stream - the ribbon of wind high up in the atmosphere that drives our weather patterns
Scientists say the last wilderness areas left on the planet are rapidly disappearing, with explicit international conservation targets "critically needed"
A vulnerable 17-year-old who was housed in a tent by a council became emaciated and was detained in a psychiatric hospital, the local government watchdog has said. The shocking story will leave many aghast at how the council dealt with this young man, who can't be named for legal reasons. In 2016 the teenager spent five weeks in a tent, four weeks in a static caravan and several nights sleeping rough after approaching Cornwall council for help. The council shockingly... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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