A study shows that while traffic pollution control measures - such as low emission zones - have improved air quality in London, they still need "significant strengthening" to protect children's health
Concerned members of the public reported a two-and-a-half mile stretch turned vibrant purple
Glaciers on Antarctic and Greenland may disappear more quickly despite dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from transport and industry.
By 2050 humankind will struggle to feed a population of roughly nine billion people without missing targets to curb climate change and save the rainforests, a report said.
Most of the sand was dragged offshore and it will take several calm winters to replenish them
Historic south coast fishing spots seen lower levels of fish because rising sea temperatures over 30 years have led them to move into the cooler north sea.
The TV presenter, 48, throws her weight behind the anti-plastic movement
A change in ice and snow cover and a decline in other prey such as lemmings has lead predators like arctic foxes to target nests instead.
Fossilised remains of the tiny crustaceans, measuring just 1 mm long, were unearthed in southern Japan.
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