Shocking statistics have been released showing there has been a 24 per cent increase in homeless people dying in the last five years. Almost 600 died in 2017 alone. There were 482 deaths among homeless people in 2013, rising to 597 in 2017. Overall, an estimated 2,627 homeless people died during the five year period. The data was collated by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) and covered England and Wales. Eighty-four per cent of homeless deaths were men, and...
A London funder has awarded three law charities funding for welfare, immigration and legal services following an increase in demand after the roll out of Universal Credit. City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charitable funder, awarded £136,700 to Camden Community Law Centre, £185,800 to Islington Law Centre and £101,000 to Southwark Law Centre to help the capital’s most vulnerable in legal battles. Islington Law Centre’s money will fund a specialist Welfare Benefits Advisor to provide advice on the...
A Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) launched the scheme to vaccinate homeless people against the 'life threatening' virus for free.
One in 10 parents under 30 in the UK has used a foodbank and one in six skips meals because they cannot afford food, according to research by Young Women’s Trust, a charity that helps young women on low or no pay. The figure rises to one in five among those with children in secondary school. A Populus Data Solutions survey of more than 4,000 people aged 18 to 30 for the charity shows that money is tight. Two in...
The world's first known flower bloomed more than 174 million years ago during the Early Jurassic period - helping nourish huge plant eating dinosaurs
The stunning images capture some of the world's greatest predators
An influential group of cross-party MPs have published a report urging the Government to properly look at the impact of Universal Credit on disabled people. The Work and Pensions Select Committee, chaired by Frank Field MP, is particularly concerned about people currently on the older benefit Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) losing out on ‘disability premiums’* – extra money which will no longer be available after they’ve moved over to Universal Credit (UC). In addition, the report expresses concern about...
The conclusion holds whether considering the 'pause' as a change in the rate of warming in observations or as a mismatch in rate between observations and expectations from climate models
Long-lasting chemicals from man-made contaminants have been recognised as harmful to wildlife since the 1970s. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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