Researchers found, surprisingly, that while air pollution is falling in China, harmful ground-level ozone pollution is on the rise, especially in big cities
The trash included barrels of oil which could have 'decimated' the protected area, litter pickers said
A Grauer's gorilla's chances of being born with harmful mutations that cause fused digits have soared in the last 100 years threatening their survival
Judges of the Wild World picture competition, run by the Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers, had to sift through hundreds of entries from all over the world
He said: 'a civil war is about to kick off'
A total of around 1,575 hours of sunshine have been measured across the UK so far in 2018 - only behind the record 1,587 clocked up in 2003, according to the Met Office
Pine needles could be used to make bio-oil to replace chemicals derived from oil, thanks to new Biorefinery techniques developed by University of Sheffield scientists
The revolutionary technique mimics the human lung - and could rival wind and solar power for creating clean energy
Shocking statistics have been released showing there has been a 24 per cent increase in homeless people dying in the last five years. Almost 600 died in 2017 alone. There were 482 deaths among homeless people in 2013, rising to 597 in 2017. Overall, an estimated 2,627 homeless people died during the five year period. The data was collated by the ONS (Office for National Statistics) and covered England and Wales. Eighty-four per cent of homeless deaths were men, and... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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