The simple explanation solves a riddle that has baffled the world for centuries, say scientists
The skull of a fossil ichthyosaur found in Warwickshire in 1955 has been studied for the first time using cutting-edge computerised tomography (CT) scanning technology
Coastal expert has identified many non-native invaders on one stretch of beach alone
They even create 'waves' that travel at regular speed - just like the sea, say physicists
Scientists say a breed of penguins found on the coast of South America are among the most faithful couples in the animal kingdom - despite spending months apart each year
Two of the flats in Bristol were created by converting an existing two-storey Victorian house - while a third, described as a prefabricated “box” home, was built in the garden
But while tree lined avenues may look appealing they are the least effective in removing black soot from diesel engines and other smog particles from exhausts
The average price of a flat in William IV Street is over £1.3million
They reduce the need for dumping thousands of tonnes of dredged sand on eroded coastlines which is expensive - and wipes out organisms living between the grains. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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