The Tapanuli orangutan - the world's rarest ape - was only named as a news species in 2017
And it may have implications for humans - also known to be turned on by those with a similar appearance
Scientists say that the revelation that even the miniature brain of a honeybee can grasp basic mathematical operations has implications for the future development of Artificial Intelligence
It means the planet really is hotting up - leaving experts with little hope of limiting climate change to global targets.
Numbers of at least 200 of the world's large creatures are decreasing dramatically - with over 150 facing being killed off completely, according to scientists
The land in Essex was bought two years ago by the local authority with plans to build a luxury 'TOWIE-style' hotel
Climate-driven changes in phytoplankton communities will intensify the blue and green regions of the world's ocean
Last year, RSPCA officers rescued almost 600 animals injured when they got entangled or hurt by dumped plastic and cases are on the rise.
The study warns that families may be tucking into "critically endangered" species of shark when visiting their local fish and chip shop – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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